Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, 54, was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence in Mumbai during the early hours of January 16, 2025. The incident occurred around 2:30 am when Khan confronted the intruder, leading to a scuffle during which he sustained six stab wounds, including one near his spine.
He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital by his elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, and a caregiver around 3:00 am. According to Chief Operating Officer Dr. Niraj Uttamani of the hospital, he has undergone surgery at the hands of neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, for the deep wounds. And as of now, he is out of danger.
At the time of the attack, Khan's wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their two children were in the apartment but were not injured. A female employee at their home was also attacked and is being treated.
The Mumbai Police have begun an investigation and have constituted seven teams to arrest the culprit. The police are also studying the CCTV footage to see how the intruder managed to break through the security layer. No one has been arrested yet.
The attack has raised concerns over security in Mumbai, especially areas inhabited by celebrities. Political leaders and fellow actors have called for increased police presence to ensure the safety of residents.
Khan's team has requested privacy during this time, stating, "There was an attempted burglary at Mr. Saif Ali Khan's residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter."
As the investigation continues, updates will be provided on Khan's recovery and the progress in identifying and apprehending the attacker.